The 4th Golden Age Expo & Summit was successfully held from March 8-10, 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. The three-day event recorded over 25,300 visitors, registering a 15% increase over that of last year. Visiting delegations came from different countries and various parts of China, including the Greater Bay Area.
The Expo is an eye-opener for the society by showcasing thousands of innovative products and services from Hong Kong and around the world. The Summit gathered over 70 renowned international and local speakers to discuss and explore innovative ways of building Hong Kong and other Asian areas into 'Smart Ageing Cities'. Topics included medicine, finance, technology, cross generation collaborations and many more. There were also health screening, performances, fitness and product demonstrations, interactive sessions as well as business matching throughout the three-day event.
Expo members received very positive feedback from the visitors. They had made excellent contacts and exchanges with the industry professionals. They had also succeeded in marketing their products and services to clients from different market segments. On top of that, together with our speakers , expo members conducted direct discussion and business matching with delegations from different places.
Event Highlights

Thank you Party

Golden Agers represent a dynamic human capital resources. We work in full force to empower Golden Agers to become a new force of social change. In fact, the success of the 4th Expo & Summit was the concerted efforts of over 600 volunteers of different ages, bearing testimony to the rise of this new force. To show our gratitude to them, we organised a "Thank you Party" for the volunteers. A lot of exchanges and networking were made. All had a fun and memorable evening.
DBS Impact Award - Social Innovation for Golden Age

The DBS Impact Award sponsored by DBS and organised by Golden Age Foundation was successfully held. The award aims to nurture social innovators to develop practical, scalable and sustainable business models for the Golden Age population.
The winner of the award, MedMind Technology uses their creativity and love to develop interactive games. Artificial intelligence can collect data from gaming performance and assess the risk of cognitive impairment while the user plays "mahjong" on a tablet. This provides the patients a continuous assessment of the condition as well as personalized training.