Research Background
Golden Age Foundation believes that "elderly re-employment" will become an important part of Hong Kong's social development, providing more life choices and opportunities for the elderly. Therefore, we conducted a survey on "Re-employment of the Elderly" in the hope of providing the public with more relevant information and promoting their attention and support for this issue. In addition, we hope that various sectors can work together to propose relevant policy recommendations and improve the problem of age discrimination in Hong Kong's workplace, which will help the golden generation realise their self-worth, and continue to participate actively in social and economic activities after retirement.
Research Content
This research survey was conducted together with Dr Bobo Lau, associate professor of the Department of Counseling and Psychology of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, on Hong Kong citizens' views on "elderly re-employment". This survey was started from November 27 to December 4, 2023. A total of 624 respondents of the public and 117 institutions and companies were interviewed, aiming to understand employers’ attitudes, considerations and expectations towards hiring retired people, and also explore the public’s views, support and expectations for retirees on the re-employment of the elderly.
Research Results