Zhihe (Bob) Zhao received his B.S. in computer science and technology from the University of Liverpool, UK (2019) and his Master's degree in Computer Engineering at Duke University, US (2021). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in information engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Guoliang Xing. His primary research interests include System for AI, DNN Compiler, and Efficient Computing for Future IoT. Zhihe's research has been published in top-tier venues such as SenSys, IoTDI, HotMobile, and IPSN. He has received multiple awards from both academia (Best Poster Award, SenSys'22; Best Paper Candidate, SenSys'22) and industry (HUAWEI Spark Award, 2022; BOSCH AIoT Fellowship, 2021). He is CEO and co-founder of ThingX.