Hong Kong Older Adults Digital Living Study – Interim Findings Presentation
Hong Kong Older Adults Digital Living Study – Interim Findings Presentation
The pandemic has led to rapid digitalisation in our daily lives and exposed substantial gaps in the access and usage of information and communication technologies between different age groups in Hong Kong, notably between the younger and the older cohorts. The Hong Kong Older Adults Digital Living Study (HK-OADLS) is a project funded by the University Grants Committee to evaluate the post-pandemic ‘grey digital divide’ using an inductive methodology and a user typology approach to inform segmentation and diversification of digital support in the community. This project is a collaborative effort between Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Tung Wah College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
This forum will present the interim findings from three studies under HK-OADLS and summarise the recent views of older adults, the general public and elderly care professionals on the ‘grey digital divide’ through qualitative and quantitative approaches. Based on these insights, our investigators from the Department of Social Work at Hong Kong Shue Yan University and the School of Nursing of Tung Wah College will also elaborate on the social and healthcare implications of our findings.