2021.08.18 (Wed)
A highly dynamic city that serves as the perfect platform into Mainland China and Asia, Hong Kong is the ideal place for business in Asia, particularly for the fast growing silver hair market. At this session, our speakers will share their views and experience on leveraging the many business opportunities and challenges brought about by this aging population, and how they see future prospects in this segment.
With the rapid development of elderly care in the Greater Bay Area, the industry is actively developing health and elderly care services, using spatial design and technological support to create a more diverse and inclusive area without age barriers. In this session, industry leaders in the Greater Bay Area are invited to discuss the development of health and elderly care services, including standard development, product development, and talent skills training, and to explore the development of smart ageing and ways to promote a dignified and inclusive live.
2021.08.19 (Thur)

Active Ageing (e.g. longer employment; participation in society; independent, healthy and secure living; and enabling environments to allow people to remain psychosocially and physically active) could help maintain independence in older people. In this session, academia will investigate proxy indicators of the Active Ageing Index and dependency in multi-ethnic urban (Jakarta) and rural (Sumedang and Borobudur) districts on Java, Indonesia. The results show that there are huge inter-regional differences in dependency.
2021.08.25 (Wed)
Asia is the next giant in ageing. But unlike Western countries, parts of Asia will grow old before they become rich. The number of elderly people in Asia by 2030 will increase by 200 million, a 71% increase. The Asia Pacific Risk Center estimates that elderly health care in Asia could increase five-fold to $2.5 trillion by 2030, if current cost trends remain unchecked. How to manage increased demand without draining public purses is one of the most urgent policy and economic challenges facing the region. But the burden should not rest solely on the shoulders of governments. The private sector has much to contribute, and could benefit considerably from the growing ageing market. This session will bring together leading minds from the private sector to discuss how to help Asian cities make the transition to older societies that are still healthy and productive.
2021.09.01 (Wed)
Technology is an important means to improving our lives. With the ageing population, the need for reliable and innovative elderly care solutions is ever growing. The urgent need for contactless alternatives in care delivery under the threat of Covid-19 has greatly speeded up the practice and adoption of technology. This session will take a closer look at how these advances in technology and some breakthrough solutions are transforming elderly care to ensure sustainable and effective care, enhance user experience as well as reduce the burden of care-givers.
2021.09.08 (Wed)
An exclusive sharing from Smart Ageing Award prize winners who excel in enhancing the quality of elderly life and embracing independent and dignified ageing. Their evidence of success and collaboration with different stakeholders will inspire and reshape the future of smart ageing.
2021.09.15 (Wed)
The pace of population aging in China is accelerating, and so are people's demands for diversified elderly care. "Care for the elderly" refers no longer to just room and bed, but a high-quality all-round elderly care service. This session invites social enterprises and organizations which provide elderly care services in the Greater Bay Area to talk about innovations on elderly care model and technology, elderly care practice and safety in community service. They will also discuss time banking, smart health practices, and smart livable solutions for elderly, deepening our understanding on the booming industry of elderly care.
Global cities have moved into an era of smart city planning and implementation while their populations are also shifting toward an ageing society. This session invites worldwide leaders in elderly care to share their views on ways to develop long-term care policies and programs which integrate internationally recognized concepts such as “aging in place” and “active and healthy aging”. Such policies and programs demand better planning, financing, and qualified human resources, and above all, higher expectations that the final years of life must have as much meaning, purpose, and well-being as possible.