- Deep Health Limited (Website: https://www.deephealth.com.hk)
- Happy Ageing Lab Limited (Website: https://www.happyageinglab.com)
- Health View Bioanalytic Limited (Website: https://www.healthviewbio.com)
- Speech and Hearing Social Enterprise Limited (Website: https://speechearing.org)

【 Leave A Legacy. Make an Impact. 】 《遺善最樂 ForeverGift.hk》 is the only organisation that focuses on promoting legacy giving in Hong Kong. As a social enterprise, we work with charities and volunteer lawyers to offer a free, professional and user-friendly Will-writing service to the general public. To date, legacy gifts made through our service have reached hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, with over 100 charities named as beneficiaries. We make it possible for anyone to leave a legacy and create a lasting impact on causes closest to their hearts. Website: https://www.forevergift.hk/

- King’s Phase Technologies Limited (Website: https://kpt.com.hk)
- Medical Artisan Technology Limited
- CareEZ Senior Deli (Website: https://www.seniordeli.com)