Gathering Professional Forces ‧ Introducing Smart Ageing Technology ‧ Innovating New Solutions
New “Triple Response Programme” launched to provide targeted support for elderly care homes
Many elderly care homes are not equipped the appropriate resources to conduct early detection of COVID-19. However, our initial evaluation of most elderly care homes, held at the beginning of the programme, also revealed two deep-rooted issues besides a lack of resources:
(1) Most care homes do not have proper virus prevention cleaning and disinfecting arrangements
(2) They also lack isolation measures to manage discharged residents
While most care homes acknowledge the importance of adequate isolation and disinfection measures, a shortage of manpower, budget and operations know-how increase the barriers for them to implement these necessary arrangements.
To provide the most effective solutions, our programme has launched a “Triple Response Programme” to help care homes isolate infected residents, disinfect contaminated areas and provide medication and treatment for residents in need. Together with our professional volunteer team, including veteran social workers and nurses, counsellors and university students, the six-month programme will also help care homes solve short and long-term capacity, manpower and budget issues as well as provide emotional support for residents and workers. Additionally, the programme will deploy disinfection smart robots to combat affected areas in the care homes. The robots are equipped with patrolling and disinfecting capabilities and integration features to connect with telemedicine equipment. This will allow infected care workers to safely monitor and care for elderly residents while social distancing at home.
Our programme is an innovating and disrupting project that aims to prompt impactful changes from the bottom up. Together with a team of professionals and specialists, and leveraging the latest smart ageing technology, the programme combines a wealth of knowledge, expertise and technology application to set a new global standard in providing the most effective support and solutions for elderly care homes.
Our Progress
The programme was launched on 14 February 2022 as COVID-19 outbreaks within various elderly care homes were identified.
Offering rational, compassionate and timely solutions
In February, we raised a sufficient donation amount within a short time to purchase over 9,000 rapid antigen test kits and delivered them to over 10 critical elderly care homes located in remote areas.
Listening to their challenges and needs, our professional volunteer team provided immediate relief to various privately owned elderly care homes, including supplies and professional feedback to enhance the environment, elderly workers' skills and techniques and risk management strategies, to help them sustain their operations.

Incorporating smart technology
We have deployed a team of smart robots to provide suitable support for various elderly care homes. The robots are responsible for patrolling and disinfecting contaminated areas and are equipped with integration features to connect with telemedicine equipment for infected workers to monitor residents while social distancing at home.

Support Us
The road to anti-pandemic support is long, and we need support from all walks of life to make the journey faster and more comprehensive.
Please consider making a donation today to support the Golden Age Care Anti-pandemic Support Program and help us provide ongoing support for those in need.
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