Smart Ageing Workshop – Event Schedule (9th GAES)

Event Detail

"The 'Smart Ageing Workshop' is a unique event area dedicated to promoting intergenerational harmony, and the physical and mental well-being of people aged 45 and above, as well as sustainable development. By integrating picture book therapy, interactive games, dance, and other diverse activities, it has built an exchange platform for the elderly and youth, fostering mutual understanding and interaction.

Exhibition dates: August 2-4, 2024 (Friday to Sunday)

Exhibition venue: Hall 3FG, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Opening hours:

  • August 2, 2024: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm (opening ceremony starts at 10:30 am)
  • August 3, 2024: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • August 4, 2024: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm (public entry closes at 6:00 pm)


Workshop and event spaces are limited, and pre-registration online is required. If the event is full, please wait in line on-site.

Registration time::15 minutes before the event start time
On-site queueing starts: 15 minutes before the event start time
If you are unable to register on time, the event slots will be made available to the on-site waiting list.


Register now


-- Last updated:2024/07/08 14:00


Denim Upcycling Workshop
Speaker Bio
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Mr Kenny LEUNG
Co-founder, Stote
Ms Vincy LEUNG
Marketing and Outreach Lead, Stote


Stote is a social innovation team nurtured by HKBU Innovative Service-Learning Centre, dedicated to transforming textile waste into fashionable accessories through upcycling,extending the value of discarded materials. Their signature workshop invites participants to redesign the discarded denim jeans into stylish bow ties, which can be worn as accessories with bags or clothing. Meanwhile, participants are invited to a "To a Stranger" activity to

handwrite encouraging messages to strangers and receive letters left by others. By

collaborating with consumers to breathe new life into textile waste, Stote creates a platform

for positive change for an environmentally friendly and sustainable community.



Granny Tung’s Picture Book Workshop
Speaker Bio
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals
Mr Vic WONG Cho Wai
Senior Occupational Therapist (Elderly Services), Tung Wah Group of Hospitals


Granny Tung’s Picture Book Workshop is designed to increase participants’ cognitive abilities through picture book therapy and interactive games. Led by a senior occupational therapist, the workshop features interactive storytelling sessions and cognitive games suitable for participants of all abilities to learn more about cognitive impairment disorders. Upon completing the workshop, participants will receive a free copy of Granny Tung Goes to the Market, valued at HK$88.

The Second Stage of Life
Speaker Bio
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Hong Kong Baptist University
Tuen Mun Healthy City
Mr Nicholas OOI
Innovation Lead, Centre for Innovative Service-Learning, Hong Kong Baptist University


"Think-Act-Contribute (TAC)" encourages participants to reflect on the relationship between the younger and older generations ("Think") and promotes intergenerational collaboration and healthy living through dance ("Act"). By fostering these two key elements, this session  “contributes” back to society by aspiring to embed this concept and knowledge within the community. 

"Think-Act-Contribute" was founded by Nicholas OOI in 2011. It is currently managed by the Tuen Mun Healthy City Secretariat. The initiative helps the elderly enjoy their later years by gathering a group of passionate health leaders to spread positive ageing messages to the residents of Tuen Mun. Over the years, the initiative has won various awards and has been featured in different events, allowing elderly participants to embark on the “second act” in their lives. 

When audiences watch TAC’s participants perform, they are surprised by the participants’ vibrant energy. Furthermore, some participants have also taken on the role of instructors to pass on their dance skills to others. They have also designed new dance moves, such as the "Energy-Saving Dance" and the "Crime Prevention Drill".


Mindfulness Karate Experiential Workshop
Speaker Bio
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Founder, Sportcanheal 852


SportCanHeal 852 is a social enterprise incubated at HKBU Innovative Service-Learning Centre. They are committed to enhancing participants' mental health and well-being through sports. By combining traditional martial arts and mental health support, this Mindfulness Karate Experiential Workshop helps participants achieve physical and mental harmony through a series of physical training and mental health exercises. During the workshop, participants will learn essential karate techniques, be encouraged to take a mindful and relaxed approach to the training and take on the challenge of board breaking. The workshop will also conclude with a wooden keychain creation session to celebrate participants’ achievements. The workshop is suitable for anyone interested in physical and mental health. It is specially curated to boost participants’ fitness and enhance their self-awareness and emotional regulation abilities.

Vascular Age Test and Treasure Box Design Workshop
Speaker Bio
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
TWGHs CareWise


During this workshop, participants will undergo vascular age testing to learn more about their overall health conditions. They will also be guided to design and create their own treasure box using different materials to record and preserve their most cherished memories. As part of the workshop, all participants will receive one free vascular age test, create one treasure box on the spot and receive an extra set of materials, valued at HK$200, to create another treasure box with their loved ones.

Create an Exceptional Retirement Life through Sports
Speaker Bio
1:45 pm - 2:30 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Ms Ranus CHUNG Yan Wing
Fitness Centre Manager, SJS Fitness Centre


This session introduces to participants the relationship between fitness training and quality of life in retirement through case sharing, the latest fitness news and research for retired individuals and opportunities for participants to try their hand at simple exercises.

Lights Up the Silver Years: The Joyful Seniors' Disco
Speaker Bio
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Ms Zoe LAI Sim Fong
Founder of Collab Bazaar


Are you ready to party like it's 1969?

This "creative health" program, co-created by artist Zoe LAISim Fong and a group of local seniors, masterfully blends dance and nostalgic music. Not only does it allow the elderly to showcase their artistic talents, but it also offers them the dual benefits of physical exercise and social joy, helping them bid farewell to loneliness. Join us in this extraordinary "Silver Disco" celebration and embark on an exciting new chapter of your golden years! Relive the glory days and move to the beat with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Unleash your inner dancing queen or king – this is your time to shine!

“Silver” Magician Workshop
Speaker Bio
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Keanu HO Wai Lun
Creative Director, Social Innovation Magician Limited


Among the classics of English literature, the most powerful and benevolent magicians are the silver-haired generation! Inspired by the wisdom and skills of these mighty individuals, this session aims to spread the magic for a smart ageing society. In addition to watching a magic performance and learning to use magic props, magic social entrepreneur Keanu HO Wai Lun will also present his signature exercise “Eight Pieces of Magical Brocade”. By practising eight body-eye coordination movements and understanding five core principles of magical effects, golden age participants will be guided to quickly grasp the fundamentals of performing magic.

Tendon Transformation: Exercise Therapy for Pain Relief and Disease Prevention
Speaker Bio
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Smart Ageing Workshop
Exercise Prescription
Hong Kong Suen Tendon Changing Exercise Academy
Mr Bonhomme SUEN
Health Qigong instructor
Founder of Suen Yi Jin Bang Exercise
Co-founder of Exercise Prescription (Social Enterprise)

